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Gynaecologic Cancers - Information
Cancers that start in any part of a woman’s reproductive organs.

How to reduce the risk of developing gynaecological cancer:
Stop smoking. Women who smoke are about twice as likely as non-smokers to get cervical cancer.
Eat a healthy diet containing whole grains like wholegrain bread and cereals, beans, pulses, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Be physically active as part of your everyday life.
Go for regular screening - see HERE for more information about free cervical screening
Attend when invited for HPV vaccination.

Changes to look out for include:
Abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge
General abdominal pain.
Pain during sexual Intercourse.
Itchy skin around the opening to the vagina.
Difficulty passing urine.
Increased abdominal size/persistent bloating.
Pelvic and/or abdominal pain.
Changes in the vulva such as a rash, sores or warts.

Worried? Please contact
your GP in the first instance

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